Friday I met with the journalist …

Friday I met with the journalist …

“I believe in vaccination. I trust doctors.” He was upfront from the beginning of the interview that he was reporting with a pre-existing bias. When I asked him what vaccines his children were injected with, he ummed and ahed , mentioned measles, mumps, rubella and...
I am meeting a journalist tomorrow…

I am meeting a journalist tomorrow…

I am meeting a journalist tomorrow… He wants to “understand” anti vaxxers…. how we came by our beliefs, so can you help him understand!? . After vaccination I was covered with eczema, severe allergies and auto immune issues, I have literally...
Time for a political overhaul

Time for a political overhaul

Aside from looking like a joke the more Prime Ministers Australia has the more our politicians can say… “it wasn’t me”. Rather than changing Prime Minister’s or swapping from one party to another how about next election we get independent...


Australia Unites Internationally for Freedom of Choice The International Revolution For Choice Rally is being held June 2nd in Brisbane, Queens Gardens Park (outside the Casino), 2pm to 5pm. Australia joins Italy, Poland, France, Serbia, Germany, Bulgaria, America,...

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