What I love about my Dad
What I love about my Dad is that even tho he heads off and has his annual flu shot, he supports freedom of choice and loves and supports me for whom I am and what I do, regardless of our differing views on vaccination. My Dad has spent years listening to me rave about...
“Premier to sip on plan for fluoride”
The QLD state Government wants to mandate Fluoridation of ALL tap water…. I have spent multiple thousands of dollars over a course of 20 years to get fluoride out of my water, along with the chlorine and other additives… What gives our Government the right...
Speak up or forever hold your peace
Up here on the Sunshine Coast our politicians have “talking” posts where you get to have your say!! In the last few months I have seen our state MP and both our federal MPs… Today I saw federal MP Ted Andrews… Spoke for about 15...
Time for a political overhaul
Aside from looking like a joke the more Prime Ministers Australia has the more our politicians can say… “it wasn’t me”. Rather than changing Prime Minister’s or swapping from one party to another how about next election we get independent...